Thursday, May 15, 2008

Under Construction....Our new log home

The back view
The side view

The front view(a little hard to see w/all the trees)

We are absolutely loving our new log home! As you can see, things are progressing....a little slower than we would like, but we get sooooo anxious to see every little detail as it is under construction. We feel so blessed that we are able to build another log home. I will try my best to post updated photos throughout the rest of the building process.

1 comment:

JO said...

Heather & Marc,

We are very excited to bring Emmett and Tucker for their Photo Opp's at your beautiful home. The pictures look amazing. Best of luck...we miss you.


Joanna & Heath

P.S.- Marc, you have your work cut out for you. We're praying for good weather!