Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Whew! What a week it has been.....a week that I soon want to forget! I had bronchitis all week long....well, I am hoping with two rounds of antibiotics that I should start to feel better soon. Anyways, I want to apologize to all of my clients for being so behind in posting your photos on my blog. I am so eager to show all of you some really cute kids and to let you know about a special that I will be having for Fall photos, which will begin just around the corner....can you believe that it is almost that time of year again??? Until then, wish me much luck in finding time to rest....building a new home, running a photography business, tending to everyday chores, and beginning a new school year has put our family through a whirlwind lately. We are soooooo looking forward to moving into our new home and getting back to a normal life! Well, I'm not so sure I should call it normal, but you know what I mean! :)
Have a happy day!!!!

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